Accelerated Learning: Learn faster and remember more

You can train your brain to better retain knowledge and insight by understanding how you learn. Once you understand the keys to learning, everything changes – from the way you ask questions to the way you consume information. People will think you have a super power.

Learning is the assimilation of new facts, concepts and skills into our brains. We start learning in the womb and we never stop; we are always developing new competencies. Each new piece of knowledge we acquire builds on what we already know and gives us a fuller, richer picture of the world. And the more developed our understanding of the world is, the easier it is for us to adapt and turn as our circumstances change.

From biology we know that organisms that can adapt to their constantly changing environment survive and thrive. The ones that can’t die out in the end. The same goes for us in our life and work. We all know the person at work who has not adapted to the changing times. Their reluctance to stretch themselves and learn something new makes it seem like they are going backwards.

People can get stuck with a static amount of knowledge because we don’t just passively absorb new ideas and information. Learning something new requires active involvement. At FS we see learning as part of our daily work. We get better to help you get better, and we give you the tools to learn.

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